DIYSPY has been tested in different formats for festivals, home boardgame and card game play, office play, large work events, industry residentials, and remote play with friends and colleagues. Some of the wonderfully helpful playtesters include:
Ben McKenzie
Boardgames and Beers Meetup, Brisbane
Brisbane marketing company
Bryan Alexander
Cailean Congedo
CanCon playtesters
Cat Matson
Chad Toprak
Cyprien Lomas
Daniel Harley
David Knife
Forward Slash Story playtesters
Fusion Theatre Group
IGDABrisbane Saturday playtesters
Incubator Melbourne playtesters
Interaction Design and Creative Writing students, QUT
JunkJam #2, Melbourne
Katryna Starks
Lee Shang Lun
Lewis Argall
Lois Spangler
Lucinda Clutterbuck
Michael Epstein
Paul Callaghan’s house guests
Peter Knife
Playtest Saturday Afternoon, Melbourne
Pop Up Playground, Melbourne
Rachel Ginsberg
SAE Media Institute, Brisbane
Sebastian Sohn
Siobhan O’Flynn
Soren Bok
Stefan Grambart
Steve Gardner
This is a Door, Pop Up Playground players, Melbourne
Timothy Braun
Tracy Knife
If I’ve missed listing you, let me know and I’ll fix immediately! And if you’ve changed your mind about being publicly on this list, let me know and I’ll remove no worries. 🙂
With some feedback outside of testing from Alex Butterfield, Karl Lange, Lorraine Hopping Egan, Matt Parkes, and Nadja Lipsyc.
And to those who have assisted with queries I have sent out via Twitter and Facebook.
The name, D.I.Y.SPY, was developed with contributions in the Card and Board Game Designers Guild.